13 comments on “2011 and the Distant Shore

  1. Well done, Rustbelt. Of course, what’s unwrite-able is the future, not the past. We know what has worked and that gives us an idea of what will work.

    And we know what has not worked and will not work…


    • thanks, yes. a sloppy use of ‘history’. for some reason history for me also includes the future, but you are absolutely correct it is the future, not the past that is unwrite-able. the past is knowable and that is, perhaps, our greatest potential subjective power…


  2. Isn’t your organization cheerleading the Libyan contras and giving cover not just to the imperialists but to all kinds of native reaction that make of the Libyan (and Syrian) opposition?


  3. Too bad our host can’t find his way to denounce imperialism anymore. Sentimentality is good for a song dude, but this is the class war.


    • ‘Too bad our host can’t find his way to denounce imperialism anymore.’ What the fuck are you talking about?

      ‘Sentimentality is good for a song dude, but this is the class war.’
      I promise you, in my dotage when I’m watching folks storm the Winter Palace years from now I’ll be singing at the top of my lungs.


Thoughts encouraged: