8 comments on “Some Blogs I Read

  1. Pingback: Rustbelt Radical: Some blogs I read « Kasama

  2. Ha, thanks, RR. I shall try to live up to your very kind words.

    BTW, hope you can tune in to my programme on Chinese humour, called Found In translation, broadcast this Saturday 9th June, 10:30am on BBC Radio 4. Available on iPlayer for 7 days.

    Best wishes to my American friends.


  3. Why, thank you for your kind words. Glad you like the blog. Ever so often I realise that I am not writing into the void. Thanks for the other blog suggestions, some I know, some are new. Great stuff. Solidarity.


    • You’re quite welcome, the thanks goes to you. I’ve gotten a lot of leads on books to read from your blog and, at least from the subject of your reviews we certainly have interests in common. My questions is, how in the world do you read all those books?


Thoughts encouraged: