6 comments on “Marx and Engels: Give me a bowl of wine/ In this I bury all unkindness

  1. Pingback: Marx and Engels: “Give me a bowl of wine, In this I bury all unkindness” « Kasama

  2. Strange response from the anarchist there. Marx can’t have been “much of a man” because he didn’t apparently look after his family. Is that the primary male role then @micheal2og to provide the food for this family? And presumably, since you seem to dismiss the work he put in writing articles, books and so on. Only manual labour is real work?

    There is no doubt that Marx could have become a successful academic – providing for his family (in a manly way?) by lecturing and writing ideas that were perhaps a little controversial, but well within those acceptable to the Prussian state. But instead he chose to devote his life to trying to change the world. As Rustbelt points out, his family didn’t seem to condemn him for it, and seem to have been remarkably proud of him. I am sure they didn’t like the conditions they lived in, but since in several cases the took up the struggle long after Marx had passed on, they must have thought something of the life of a revolutionary.

    Seems like a poor set of ideas that you have my friend, based on inaccuracies and hearsay.


    • agreed, as someone said sometime, ‘we aim to abolish second class, not first class’ or something similar.

      agreed on the excursion, I really like that letter, you can get a real sense of the scene. the partner sulking as her mate is brought home late and wasted by his drinking companion. I love her response ‘such interludes often have quite salutory effects’. I think a pub crawl with those two was probably a pretty good time, though I would hope they would stick to drunken recitations of Heine rather than blather about Hegel.


  3. While a brilliant historian, philosopher and economist Marx could hardly be regarded as much of a man as he sat on his ass while his family starved.

    Marx and Engels were fond of deriding Bakunin but it appears that Bakunin was a much more responsible person towards his family and friends.

    Funny thing that!


    • We clearly have a very different appreciation of Marx (based, I think, on a different set of facts since I am unaware of where yours come from). Your charges have been repeated so many times, and demolished so many times it is now boring. I wish I could write Capital sitting on my ass doing nothing; how many exiles from the European revolution found themselves starving in London in the 1850s-60s? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

      As for Marx’s role as a father, you simply do not know what you are talking about. Don’t ask me, ask his children; they knew him rather well, I hear they even lived together for a time, and strangely they never echoed your accusation. Quite the opposite, in fact.. http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/bio/marx/eleanor.htm

      The Bakunin thing gives you away friend. You want to deride Marx on personal levels and then bring up Bakunin, me thinks you are fighting old, old battles.


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